Thursday, November 28, 2013


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My Bintan OCIP trip! 
I spent a wonderful 7 days with all my lovely OCIP friends and of course not forgetting the Loola Resort's Staff over there --- Abu, Ahmad and Auntie Elsa, and many other staff. They are reallllly nice people and they speak good English too!

Bintan DAY 1

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We could really feel the waves splashing on us haha.
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Bintan DAY 2

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Bintan DAY 3 and 4

These two days are mainly filled with CIP
Even though the 4th day was our last day with the students, I believe we have left them with wonderful memories

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Bintan DAY 5

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Headed for boom-net afterwards
It's an activity whereby you sail out into the open sea on a yacht and jump from it into a net laid in the sea.

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Bintan DAY 6

It was the highlight of the entire trip
We partied with the orphans around the campfire and had loads and loads of fun
I miss Dea...such a sweet girl

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Bintan DAY 7

Woke up to see the sunrise but was greeted by a stormy weather.

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I was sure I went to Bintan and not Thailand  photo 1471694_10201650058705576_510898440_o_zps133f1f1b.jpg

Yeap that basically summarized what when on for the entire trip.
BINTAN OCIP we da bomb!